Your answers exist within you.
Therapy for Individuals, Couples,
and Families
Throughout South Carolina
You are competent.
But others doubt or question you at every turn.
“You’re too young to know for sure. You’ll change your mind… you still have a lot of living to do.”
“People like you have never been a good fit. What makes you think you’re different?”
“You’re qualified for the job… but shouldn’t you be considering retirement at your age?”
Being judged by others brings up all kinds of feelings. You may question if it is your gender, race, sexual orientation, age.… It’s humiliating and makes you so angry.
However, you feel that you’re failing.
Most mornings, you’re overwhelmed by hopelessness, anxiety, and negative thoughts. You don’t want to deal with another day like yesterday.
You dread tomorrow. There’s always the chance that ‘this’ could happen, or what if ‘that’ happens?
You’ve tried to make things better on your own through yoga, self-help books, or listening to motivational speakers.
You pray.
Wondering, “What have I done wrong?”
You don’t know what to do.
You minimize your thoughts and feelings.
You fall back to the same habits and patterns while desperately hoping it will lead to a different outcome.
The truth is that the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior without a significant intervention .
Therapy is a proven intervention.
Just as your body needs nutrition and exercise to stay healthy, your mental health requires the same level of attention and care.
Doing the work now prevents the problem from escalating and killing your dreams.
And know the only way you’ll ever be able to take care of others is if you can first take care of yourself.
It is time to invest in your success.
Recognizing you may need help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Everyone needs a helping hand now and again – there’s no shame in it.
The only shame is wasting another day living anything but your best life.
Contact Suzanne to
Schedule an Appointment

Hi, I’m Suzanne.
And I want you to be content and respected.
In a safe and nonjudgmental space, we will dig into the root causes of the issues you’ve been facing.
Honestly, it may not be your problem?
With trust, compassion, and empathy, we’ll work through these problem areas at your own pace and comfort level.
As you fill in the blanks to find the answers to the questions you’ve been asking yourself, you will understand what you need to do and how to succeed.
This new world of confidence, optimism, and ongoing growth is possible. Call now and start living it.
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls.
The most massive characters are seared with scars.
– Kahlil Gibran